i'm Moinul

Data Scientist &

Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast

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Technical Lead

Netherlands (Remote)

July 2021 - July 2023

Implemented solutions with scalability for JustGo that offers extensive membership management to allow the members to engage easily and handles increase volumes of data.

Analyzed and organized raw data using SAP and SQL, evaluated business needs, prepared data and built data pipelines and marketing mix predictive models.

Developed data modeling and reporting infrastructures to provide insights via APIs, resulting in a 30% increase in data accessibility and a 50% reduction in report generation.

Applied machine learning techniques to implement data-driven solutions by leveraging Python for data analysis, modeling and algorithm development and fine-tuning them.

Monitored the performance of deployed models and updated or retrained them as needed to maintain or improve their accuracy and efficiency.

Developed and optimized 100+ stored procedures, views, functions & style sheets and restructured schemas with 60+ tables.

Led a dynamic team of six skilled professionals and implemented agile methodologies to streamline project workflows, ensuring 100% on-time delivery of high-quality solutions.

Collaborated with clients from the UK, USA, Europe and Australia to identify and prioritize requirements and conduct feasibility studies.

about me


Computer Science and Engineering

University of Oulu, Finland

Sep. 2023 - Present


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Technical Skills


C, C++, Python, R, Matlab

Developer Tools

Linux, Git, Docker, SSRS, Django

Big Data Tools

NoSQL (MongoDB), SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server), Power BI, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Storage

Machine Learning

Pandas, NumPy, Keras, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow 2.0, MatPlotlib, PyTorch, Scrapy, NLTK, Gensim, Scipy

Featured Projects

Machine Learning

Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition

This project focuses on constructing a multi-modal emotion recognition system with facial and audio features. It employs subspace-based feature fusion methods, including z-score normalization and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), to combine facial expression and audio features. SVM classifiers are trained using spatiotemporal features from 50 videos of 5 participants and evaluated using the remaining data. LOSO cross-validation is implemented for reliable performance estimation.

Deep Learning

Transfer Learning with MiniImageNet and ViT

We worked with the miniImageNet focusing on the train.tar file and later split the data as train, val and test datasets. We pre-trained three models - ResNet18, VGG16 and Vision Transformer (ViT) with the best optimizers on the Training Set of MiniImageNet and then evaluated on the Validation Set and tested on the Testing Set. We saved the checkpoints for each of the models used to later use them on EuroSAT-RGB dataset. We took 5 classes from EuroSat-RGB dataset then randomply took samples as instructed in the project instruction. We used this dataset for transfer learning on the model checkpoints we saved for VGG16, ResNet18 and Vision Transformer (ViT).

VGG16ResNet18Vision TransformerMiniImageNetEuroSAT-RGB
Natural Language Processing

Data Driven Understanding of Emotions from Bangla Texts

Since there was no corpus accessible for Bangla texts, we had to build our own corpus first, tokenize the data, extract the features from the texts, analyze the sentiment and classify them into six types of emotions - happy, sad, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise. More than 20K sentences were collected associating specific emotional characteristics labelled with six classes and we also developed four classifier models to detect emotion using different machine learning techniques - SVM, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree.

TokenizationStop-word RemovalStemmingClassification

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